“Music should be taught to everyone” – Tatyana Chernigovskaya on how Bach and Mozart develop the brain.

It is no secret that music has a strong impact on a person’s mental activity. due to which different parts of the brain are activated, motives and texts are remembered. Different melodies and rhythms evoke different emotional responses. It has even been proven that the noises around us at medium volume increase creativity, and listening to music helps to heal brain injuries.

The better we understand the nature of music and where it comes from, the better we may be able to understand our own motives, fears, desires,
memories and even communication in a very broad sense.

In recent years, scientists have achieved unprecedented understanding of how the human brain reacts to music and how sound affects not only the mind, but also the body.

According to some studies, the learning of music contributes to the sustainable development of performance techniques and non-verbal thinking. Dr. Gottfried Schlaug, a neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School, says that musicians have a different set of nerves than non-musicians. He refers to studies that say that the brain of a musician has more neurovascular bundles connecting the left hemisphere with the right one.

“When composing music, different parts of the brain are activated, including visual, auditory and motor,” says Schlaug.

Music really sets the mood. Sad music doesn’t necessarily make you want to cry. The results show that music evokes two types of emotions: recognizable and experienced. This means that although many people do feel sad when listening to sad music, the process of listening to it is not emotionally depressing.

The results of a study of 44 people showed that “sad music, although perceived as tragic, nevertheless, rendered different emotions. When listening to it, people experienced romantic, cheerful and much lesser sad emotions than how they perceived the composition from a cognitive position. Thus, when listening to sad music, study participants experienced ambivalent feelings.

Music has a positive therapeutic effect. Plato suggested using music to treat anxiety, and Aristotle considered music a tool to get rid of an unstable emotional background.

A group of scientists from the University of Missouri conducted a study and proved that music improves mood.

“Our work supports an activity that many people do: listening to music to lift their spirits,” Yuna Ferguson, lead author of the study, wrote in a press release for Healthline Reports. “While trying to find happiness is often perceived as selfish, research shows that being happy increases socialization, health, income, and relationship satisfaction.”

Dr. Jerry Saliman proves that singing out loud is good for the health of the older generation, in particular. “Studies have shown that singing can improve the brain function of older people suffering from aphasia (complete or partial loss of speech) or Parkinson’s disease,” writes Saliman. In addition, many old people live alone, due to chronic ailments (such as arthritis), lead a sedentary lifestyle, and are limited in funds. Simple and affordable ways to have fun and keep in touch will have a positive impact on their well-being.” Saliman adds that there is a link between singing and improved respiratory performance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Those who sing have less breathlessness.

“For a sound wave to become music, the brain must be prepared.” – Chernihiv.